Sailing camp – Murter
Dates: 29.7.-12.8.
Ages 13-18 with parental permission
Price: from 1.990,00 €
A.N.A. – Academia Navalis Adriatica – 26 years under sail.
Academia Navalis Adriatica is an international school of sailing and maritime skills, attended by more than 16,000 participants during its 32 years of existence. Certified RYA Training Center (Royal Yachting Association), which offers international certification of sailors according to specially developed programs.
Sailing in the Murter Waters!
Murter – a small north Dalmatian island near Sibenik. The island is connected to the mainland by a short bridge in Tisno.
Accommodation is organized in apartments with full board and supervision of experienced staff (for children from 13 to 19 years).
PROGRAM (Saturday-Saturday):
Theory and practice – sailing school (basics)
Prior knowledge is not requiredMinimal
conditions: swimming abilities and readiness for physical activitiesSteen
skills: basics of steering, handling sails, participation in all sailing boating jobs
Equipment: Sailing gloves, two pairs of shoes (boaters, sneakers or other shoes that do not skid), T-shirts with short and long sleeves, short and long pants, sunscreens of high protection factor, hats or hats, sunglasses, personal hygiene products, swimsuit, mosquito repellent.
Basics of sailing – who is this course made for?
Basics of sailing is a course for beginners who have never sailed before and want to spend their vacation actively.
In 30 years of our existance and experience, we have gained the trust of thousands of participants who have been continuously sailing with us. Many of them come regularly every season. Some have become sailing instructors. And almost all of them adopted sailing as a lifestyle. Whether you are an individual who wants to learn sailing skills or a family who want to actively spend a holiday together, we’ll ensure that you want to come back.
Sailing for beginners
It’s easy to learn the basic theory from our handbook before sailing out. The handbook is in Croatian and in English. After getting to know the theory, it’s time to sail out and apply your newly-learned skills. Our professional instructors will lead you through the learning process, while at the same time you are going to enjoy friendly environment, meet new people and have some fun. You will acquire new skills like basics of steering, sail handling, participation in daily routine work on the boat; sailed miles 120 NM (approx).
This sailing program is for all adults (aged 16 to 18 with parental written consent).
The only prerequisite is swimming skills. And readiness for physical activities, indeed!
What are you going to learn on this beginner sailing course?
You’ll start by learning the names of parts of the sailboat in English. You’ll learn the basic movement directions of the sailboat, how to set up the sails, where does each crew member exactly have to be and when. You’ll learn which sails there are and when to use them, trimming the sails according to the wind.
Sailing area & route
Local waters of the island Murter.
That means in the water of Oslands: Zlarin, Prvić, Kaprije, Žirje and the west side of Island of Murter toward Kornati Islands
Sailing route is subject to change depending on the current weather conditions, wind and the forecast.
Safety is our priority!
Izlet: Šibenik i Sokolarski centar – poludnevni izlet. Cijena uključuje: prijevoz, vodiča, ulaznicu, predavanje (minimalno 15 plaćenih) -50,00 €
Šetat ćemo ulicama i stepenicama Šibenika, pripovijedati legende o gradu i njegovim stanovnicima. Kada dođemo do katedrale Sv. Jakova, još jedne znamenitosti koja je od 2000. godine pod zaštitom UNESCO-a, čut ćemo nevjerojatne priče o njezinom nastanku te posjetiti krstionicu s lokalnim vodičem. Sokolarski centar smješten je u borovoj šumi u srcu mediteranske divljine, samo 7 kilometara od Šibenika. Sokolarski centar je obavezno odredište za sve one koji žele osjetiti divljinu i avanturu. Za posjetitelje je pripremljen poseban program u kojima ćete moći uživati u ljepoti sokola i sova i gledati se “oči u oči” s ovim nevjerojatnim nebeskim lovcima. Slobodno vrijeme za piće i suvenire.
Izlet: NP Krka – poludnevni izlet. Cijena uključuje: prijevoz, vodiča, ulaznicu (minimalno 15 plaćenih) – 55,00 €
Nacionalni park “Krka” smješten je na području Šibensko-kninske županije i obuhvaća površinu od 109 km² najljepšeg toka rijeke Krke i donji tok rijeke Čikole. Najposjećeniji dijelovi NP Krka su Skradinski buk i Roški slap. Skradinski buk je jedna od najpoznatijih prirodnih znamenitosti Hrvatske.
Izlet: Nin – Zadar – cjelodnevni. Cijena uključuje: prijevoz, vodiča, lokalnog vodiča, ulaznicu za Muzej iluzija, lunch-paket (minimalno 15 plaćenih) – 60,00 €
Nin je jedan od najstarijih hrvatskih kraljevskih gradova. Posjetit ćemo povijesni centar grada koji je pun rimskih ostataka. Vidjet ćete stara gradska ulazna vrata, repliku ratnog broda iz 11. stoljeća i još mnogo znamenitosti. Zadar ćete obići uz pratnju lokalnog vodiča. Posjetit ćete najpoznatije zadarske znamenitosti: crkvu Sv. Donata, ulicu Kalelarga, Pozdrav suncu i morske orgulje, dvije moderne instalacije koje povezuju ljude i prirodu. Posjetit ćete i Muzej iluzije.
Izlet: Split -Trogir – cjelodnevni izlet. Cijena uključuje: prijevoz, vodiča, lunch paket (minimalno 15 plaćenih) – 65,00 €
Povijesni centar Trogira pod zaštitom je UNESCO-a od 1997. godine. Lokalni vodič vodit će nas kroz uske trogirske ulice do najpoznatijih znamenitosti grada: gradskih palača, katedrale sv. Lovre s najprepoznatljivijim portalom ovog dijela Europe koji potječe iz srednjeg vijeka. Nastavit ćemo izlet prema Splitu.Sastat ćemo se s lokalnim vodičem i posjetiti povijesni centar grada. Posjetit ćemo Dioklecijanovu palaču iz rimskih vremena, koja je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a od 1979. godine.
- basic/napredni tečaj jedrenja
basic/napredni tečaj jedrenja – 1 tjedan (1×5 dana) – certificirani RYA trening centar (Royal Yachting Association) - smještaj u 1/2 apartmanima s vlastitom kupaonicom i punim pansionom (doručak, ručak i večera)
- Classic/ engleski jezik
društvene aktivnosti ( karaoke, disco, predavanje o zvjezdama ..)
- 07,45 buđenje
- 08,15 – 9,30 doručak
- 10,00 – 13,00 plovidba ( ručak – lunch paket na brodu)
- 14,00 – 15.00 Odmor
- 15,00 -16,40 classic english
- 17,00 -19,00 plovidba
- 19,30 večera
- 20,30 – 22,00 šetnja, karaoke, proučavanje zvjezda ili disco
- 22,30 spavanje
- izleti i transferi
- druge usluge koje nisu spomenute u itinereru
Još nema recenzija.